Monthly Archives: February 2019

Regatta News Feb 2019

On behalf of Regatta Organisers, Visiting Crews, Umpires…
Great Event, Fun Days, Superb racing, Fast Times, Cake Bacon Butties Soup – Yum, Super Smiley faces ALL ROUND WINNERS

Hopefully see a good few of you at the Boathouse on Sunday morning (24th) at 11am

Boathouse Development Plans & Consultation

Let if you are coming along.


Hazel G

Tents (Friday at 10) and Marshalls (Saturday & Sunday at 9:30)

Just a quick reminder that we’ll be putting up the tents tomorrow (Friday) starting at 10am and hopefully finishing by 11:30. Please come along if you are available.

I have also attached details of how we will organise crews at the start this year.  Can all start marshals please read over this before Saturday?

Can I ask everyone who is down on the rota to be a start marshal to come to the event briefing at 9:30 each morning and then stay behind after that so that we can allocate people to marshalling groups and answer any questions you may have on the marshalling plan?

Regatta Rota

Hello Everyone

The Rota for Jobs for our upcoming Regatta weekend is attached.

As you can see everyone that has let me know they can help out has a job (perhaps even 2) – if anyone has been missed come and see me first thing Saturday Morning and I will give you something to do (no need to feel shy).

If there are any parents / juniors available and are at a loose end come to regatta control at any point and we can find you a task, many hands make light work.

Please bring your lovely cakes tray bakes sandwiches filled rolls etc to the Tea Tent first thing each morning, if you can spare ½ an hour make yourself known to the Tent Folk and they can then fit you in to help out.

Remember to wrap up warmly, put on your smiley welcoming faces – they are great for all to see 😉

See you all Saturday,

Hazel G

Ps. Friday Morning Crew see you all at 10am sharp – to put up the Tents

Club Meeting 10th February 2019 – 10:45am

Calling all members.

Can you make time to pop down to the Boatshed this Sunday morning at 10:45 am to have a quick pre regatta get together.

Planning for a successful event!

Tea Tent Donations – please bring your scrummy cakes, filled up sandwiches etc etc to the Tea Tent first thing Saturday 16th from 9am.

See as many of you as possible this Sunday.

Hazel G

Ice Picture – 2nd Feb 19

Just 2 patches of ice left.  Should lift in the next couple of days but, sadly, no rowing on Sunday as the steps/pontoons are not free of ice and there’s a 100m section at the corner by the wall that’s solid.